Tuesday, January 17, 2006

that's y we were known as the pigs

wonder how human can act like pigs?

at first, everybody's just normal

getting ready for the process

and so... fully transformed!!!

when pn zaidah asked us to write a prequel and a sequel to a story

someone wrote about 3 little pigs i remember( but forgot who)

now photos ready where's the story?? haha!

author and the betrayer::

y.e(pig 3)

p/s: juen and syen pls dun be mad, and if u r mad pls rmb to tell me

dun keep me in the dark


Anonymous said...

ahahah i whr got will angry but my ugly pic!! omg!!! hahahahah but nice ler!!! ehhehehe

Anonymous said...

yea lor.... lou kong shouldn't be angry at the lou poh~~~ u must be supportive...haha~

Anonymous said...

hahah cool wei....